Thursday, September 6, 2012


Since pickle canning was so easy Kristie and I decided to tackle salsa. This recipe came from Kristie's Aunt Barbra and we tweaked it a tiny bit. It makes about 28 pints so you can half or double depending on how many tomatoes you have to process. Corn and beans are completely optional - we didn't add them for the first try, which results in a few less pints of salsa. I also added a handful of habanero peppers to my recipe since my house likes spicy food. This recipe is awesome and it was pretty easy to make.


25 ½ cups tomatoes, chopped and cored (some people blanch and peel, we didn't)
2 ¾ cups jalapeno peppers
6 cups peppers, green/red
8 ½ cups onions, chopped
½ cup garlic, minced
2 cups fresh cilantro, chopped
6 tablespoons fresh oregano, chopped
¼ cup salt
1 ½ tablespoons cumin
2-2 cups cider vinegar 

30 oz canned black beans rinsed 
6 cobs of fresh corn, grilled 
habenaro peppers
tomato paste


Combine all ingredients in a large stock pot, starting with 2 cups of cider vinegar. Bring to a boil and then let simmer until it thickens to a proper consistency. Taste along the way and adjust spices/heat to your liking. Add up to 2 more cups cider vinegar if needed. If it is too runny, add a small can or two of tomato paste

Ladle and divide salsa evenly into jars. Warm up the flat part of the jar cover in pan of simmering water. Once the tops are warm, place them on the jars and screw the lid on tightly. Put the jars in boiling water for 15 minutes. Remove and they will seal themselves.

Keep one jar out to enjoy right away!

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